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Report Highlights Crucial Role of Educators in EdTech Purchasing


Alyson Trager
Editorial Operations Assistant - SmartBrief Editorial Content


December 19, 2024


Educators are key influencers in edtech purchasing, with teachers driving product awareness and decision-makers valuing webinars featuring peer experiences. Insights from FutureFocus on Education Purchasing show that vendors must target teachers, provide funding support, and highlight expertise in AI and cybersecurity to streamline sales and appeal to school leaders.

As education technology becomes more ubiquitous in the classroom post-COVID-19, educators are being spotlighted as key influencers in the edtech purchasing pipeline. 

The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped teaching and learning, owing largely to the accelerated integration of technology. However, the flurry of product purchasing prevalent in 2020 has shifted into a more careful examination of tools that will best address student needs and encourage positive educational outcomes. FutureFocus on Education Purchasing, produced by SmartBrief Education and Tech & Learning, surveyed 2,803 educators to understand how education technology decisions are made and what school systems are looking for when buying new products. 

The survey found a distinction between decision-makers and those who influence them, highlighting just how many folks are guiding the decision-making process. Though spending and budget decisions are likely made through the school boards and administrators, teachers are the ones using the technology regularly, so their opinions matter. Of those surveyed, 55% said they learned about products and vendors from teachers and educator peers, making that group one of the most influential. 

“Education technology firms would be remiss to ignore teachers in the sales process, as more than half of survey respondents indicated teachers, curriculum designers and other first-line educators are influential in the purchasing process,” stated the report. 

Teachers are the most common way decision-makers find out about new products, but beyond that, the report found that 38% of decision-makers felt webinars were the most informative content resource compared to case studies (24.8%), infographics (17.3%) and white papers (16.2%). However, it’s important to note that webinars were considered most helpful when featuring other educators using the product – not just vendors – again showcasing their crucial role in the decision-making process. 

The report offered other insights and statistics to help vendors make the most of their advertising dollars:

  • 37% of decision-makers evaluate products on an ongoing basis; only 18.7% of them evaluate products during the fall/winter
  • 62% of respondents like webinars involving other educators
  • Taking the burden off administrators to find funding sources for new technology can streamline the sales process
  • Giving insights into AI or cybersecurity policies for schools can promote a vendor’s expertise level in the eyes of school leaders
  • Educators are life-long learners themselves, so appealing to their want for knowledge can boost sales

Don’t miss this report. Download it now and find out how you can better channel your marketing efforts. 

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